I really like my two-year-old daughter’s day care. The teachers are really friendly, the educational value is high, and she makes friends with kids her own age. I like it so much I volunteered to be on the Board for our child care centre. I consider my daughter’s day care to be one of the […]
ADG#10: How to Reduce the Amount of Time You Spend at Work, from “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time”
Frazzled by work? This episode shows you how to get way more done at work with less time. These three chapters from “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time” reviews how to cut your commuting time to work, reduce the evil impact of email on your life, and how deep work will revolutionize the way […]
ADG#9: Three Habits to Generate More Spare Time, from “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time”
Finding more spare time is an incredibly difficult thing in today’s world. Today’s edition of A Dad’s Guide presents three habits that naturally spin off valuable spare time. This material is excerpted from Anthony’s book, A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time.
“A Dad’s Guide” YouTube Channel
I recently launched my YouTube Channel for Dads! Recently I’ve been doing some short-form podcasts based mostly on excerpts from my books. I’ve converted all of the episodes into videos so that you can stream them on YouTube. The concept for the podcast and the YouTube channel is the same as this blog: Parenting advice […]
ADG#7: Introduction to “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time”
Ever find yourself running around, constantly busy with no time to do anything that you want to do? If so, then this episode is for you. Spare time is critical to a father’s well-being and happiness, yet it is ever elusive. This episode is a reading from the introduction to Anthony’s book “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time”, which will show you how to regain control of your most precious resource: your time. If you like this episode, you can follow up with me at my blog, ADadsGuide.org, or my Amazon author page.