There are many, many amazingly positive effects when dads spend time with their kids. Kids are smarter, become more upwardly mobile, and may even live longer. Dads who spend time with their kids are happier, less stressed-out, and yes, also may even live longer than men who either don’t have kids or don’t spend time […]
5 Very Good Reasons Why You Should be an Involved Dad
Being an involved dad is tough work and hilarious fun. It’s sleepless nights and joyful days. It’s both hard work and fun work. Being an involved dad is natural for some guys, unnatural for others, and just plain confusing for many. But being there for your children day in and day out has an […]
ADG#10: How to Reduce the Amount of Time You Spend at Work, from “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time”
Frazzled by work? This episode shows you how to get way more done at work with less time. These three chapters from “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time” reviews how to cut your commuting time to work, reduce the evil impact of email on your life, and how deep work will revolutionize the way […]
Seven Random Things That I Realized After Becoming a Father
My life as a dad is infinitely different from when I was single. Heck, it’s really different than being a married guy without kids. It is like I am wearing glasses with color filters so that the world looks like a different shade. Over the past two-and-a-half years since becoming a dad, I realized a […]
ADG#9: Three Habits to Generate More Spare Time, from “A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time”
Finding more spare time is an incredibly difficult thing in today’s world. Today’s edition of A Dad’s Guide presents three habits that naturally spin off valuable spare time. This material is excerpted from Anthony’s book, A Dad’s Guide to Spare Time.