This is Part 2 in the “Rent vs Buy” series. You can find Part 1 here. When reading one of these “rent vs buy” articles, there is usually an offhand remark about how there are “intangible benefits” when you own a home. I realize that by “intangible”, these finance writers are referring to “non-economic” reasons […]
The Modern Dad, Emotionally Engaged and Ultra-Involved
Ever since my little one was born, I have tried my best to be an emotionally engaged, supportive, and involved modern dad. I took a ten week parental leave to spend as much time with my daughter just before she turned one. I am usually the one to drop her off and pick her up from […]
Reflection on Helicopter Parenting vs Free Range Parenting
Up until I turned 10 years old, I grew up in a suburb just north of Toronto. It was a new subdivision with lots of development still to be had. Our backyard opened out into an untouched field with all manner of natural wonders for a curious Korean kid to explore by himself. There was […]