A woman has a hell of a time recovering after birth. Her insides have been stretched and torn. The hormone relaxin is coursing through her body causing joint pain in a kind of post-partum arthritis. She might be emotionally exhausted from all the oxytocin in her system. After the birth of my daughter, my wife […]
A Man’s Guide to Saving Money When Baby Arrives: Free eBook Now Available!
Hi Friends, I am glad to say that my new eBook is available for download! After a month of work on this eBook, it is ready to send out to the world. The content in this eBook is designed to do one thing: drastically reduce the hit on your bank account when your baby arrives. […]
Five reasons why quitting TV is the best thing you’ll ever do as a new dad
Quitting TV was easily one of the best things ever for improving my lifestyle. This has been especially beneficial for me since my baby was born. Simply quitting TV has given me enough time to be an effective dad. These days, my TV is in this state for the vast majority of the time: If you […]
How to set up an optimized battle station for cleaning baby bottles
You will likely need a baby bottle system, so let’s talk about why you need one and how to set one up. Baby bottle systems are important because it allows the father to be a surrogate feeder for the mother. With breast pump technology, you can mechanically express breast milk into containers for feeding at […]
Why sleep deprivation does not have to be a thing when you have a newborn baby
Before I became a dad, some people just wanted to talk to me about how badly sleep deprived I would be when my baby arrived. It became honestly a little bit annoying after a time. When a guy comes up to you to congratulate you on expecting a kid, and he says, “Congratulations Tony! That’s […]