Hi everyone, my name is Anthony Kim, pleased to meet you!
A bit about myself: I live in Toronto with my lovely wife Yuri and beautiful baby girl Victoria. My wife and I are totally ordinary people. We wash our own dishes, take care of our own lawn, we have no nanny or housekeeper. I work in health care and my wife is currently taking a break from her job to take care of our baby.
Life really changed when Victoria was born. Becoming a father has been the most rewarding and transformative experience of my life.
When I became a new dad, I started writing about the experience because I was so grateful that I had my adorable newborn daughter. I would wake up early every morning, check in on my sleeping family and write until I had to go to work.
My writing evolved into a series of life hacks and motivational words for men who are entering fatherhood for the first time. All of what I wrote since the birth of my daughter forms the basis of this new blog.
When we had Victoria, my wife and I hit the baby learning curve hard and we quickly formed a happy and functional family. We figured out how to optimize our systems so that we were happy, our baby had everything she needed, and our household ran smoothly.
Many people commented on how unusually well-rested and happy I was after my baby was born. I feel like I have handled the additional responsibilities well, which feels great.
I know that this is not the case for many new fathers. Most of the fathers that I have talked to about the newborn phase say it was just the worst. Before my Victoria was born, everyone was warning me about how bad the sleep deprivation and loss of freedom would be.
Lots of my wife’s friends gave birth around the same time Victoria was born. Many of the dads who were experiencing new fatherhood at the same time as I said that the whole baby thing was extremely challenging. One guy even had to go to emergency because he collapsed from lack of sleep.
I often heard parents swear off having another child solely because they had so much difficulty with the first—I think this is rather tragic. There are lots of undesirable consequences from an inability to deal with having a newborn baby—marital strife, financial difficulties, stress, and sleep deprivation. If this continues past the baby stage, then an inability for parents to cope leads to poorly socialized and mopey children.
These negative experiences are completely different from my own experience as a new dad. After a rough first month recovering from the birth, my wife was well-rested, happy, and enjoying motherhood. My daughter has been thriving from day one, hitting many developmental milestones ahead of the curve. I was getting enough sleep, spending lots of quality time with my daughter, and even had time to start new projects like this blog.
I figured that I was doing something right so I wanted to share my writings about new fatherhood online.
As a new dad, I felt that I had the power and responsibility to guide my family smoothly through the transition period after our baby was born. I figured out a thing or two about this whole baby thing and wanted to build this website to tell others about it.
There are lots of life hacks that you can employ to make the job of taking care of a baby a thousand times easier.
It is important to minimize the challenges and optimize your systems so that you can fully enjoy the rather awesome experience of being a new dad.
This blog contains life hacks and motivation for new fathers.
Although everyone’s challenges are unique, I believe that there are several core things that a man can do to smooth the transition into fatherhood and guide his family to health and happiness.
I hope the content of this blog helps you guys like it helped me. Let’s be the best dads we can be!
Victoria’s 100 day birthday party!